Bustling Enterprises

Things are a-changing – and quickly on our lot!



And, what are they doing down in that hole? They are installing drywall over the insulation as a fire retardant! I am impressed! I like safety!

The big round pipe in the foreground is to help the house offset water accumulation. If it ever begins to fill, all we need to do is pump it out. Drainage. Safety and care for our foundation! Yay!

Lots 'O Lumber

Lots ‘O Lumber

One of the workmen we talked to was going on about construction after we mentioned the coolness of the insulated concrete forms. He then expounded on the nifty tools and jobs and said, “I’m just a big kid who gets to play with Legos all day!” I’m sure glad we have guys that enjoy what they are doing! I think that makes a huge difference in the quality of what you end up with!