Placing Trusses

We were so excited waiting for the next step.

When we arrived the road in front of our house was clogged with work vehicles and supplies on trucks.  To not create more difficulty, we went around to the neighbor-to-be empty lot behind our house.  Here’s what we caught.

Lifting Trusses

Lifting Trusses

The truss is hooked on the crane on the right hand side of the picture.  I love watching cranes! They do so many things!

Flying Trusses

Flying Trusses

Interestingly, the man walking the rails is our contractor! He has a partner or two on top with him. Their balance has to be exceptional! They scamper all around the rails just like kids on jungle gyms. As a mom I get scared for them! Silly, yes, but that’s me!

Capturing Trusses

Capturing Trusses

The hand movements remind me of the movies about Pirates; walking on the scaffolding for the boat sails.

Agile dancers with nail guns! LOL!

Bend, Stretch and Hammer

Bend, Stretch and Hammer

We are so pleased about the number of windows. Sun is important to us. We had not realized how large the windows are in the bedrooms – woo hoo!

Taking Shape

Taking Shape

Very nice back entry!

Sunset among the Trusses

Sunset among the Trusses

As it gets closer to sunset, we decide to go home. We had to get at least one picture of the front of the house. The patterns of the wood frame and trusses are beautiful in contrast to the setting sun – the bones of the house. We are so pleased with how quickly the house is raising! Excited to see what happens tomorrow.