Another Day of New

It just seems that it is impossible for us to stay away now.  I, personally, love the new changes happening in the house and the pictures.

Now days, it is just finishing what we know has to get done before we move in.  I think we are “bonding” with our house. We sure like the homey-ness of it.

The New Countertop

The New Countertop

Counter Top Completion

The Counter Top Installed

The appliances have been rounded up like cattle (this is Wyoming, you know) into the kitchen, like they are ready to jump into place.

Well, maybe not, there are connections to deal with:

Yearning to Be Plugged In

Yearning to Be Plugged In

I saw a workman do a neat trick to get a counter top installed in the laundry room.

The glue was put on the back of the counter top material.  Then he laid out dowels perpendicular to the counter – what it accomplished is that he can place the glued piece on top of the dowels without it sticking, before it is perfectly placed.

The Neat Trick

The Neat Trick

We’ve gotten to learn a lot through this experience – amazed at the myriad of neat tricks used by so many on so many different jobs.

We look forward to learning more and seeing exciting changes!